Manly Spirits Lilly Pilly Pink Gin 200ml NV
Lilly Pilly Pink Gin is a fruity lighter style gin, with two Golds and a Double Gold.
- Not Applicable
- Australia
World Gin Awards, (Gold Medal)
San Francisco World Spirit Competition, (Gold Medal)
SIP Awards, (Double Gold Medal)
$29.50 per bottle when you mix 12 or more
$29.50 per bottle
100% Money-back Guarantee
Free shipping on orders over $350
Spirit Details
- Not Applicable
- 6.32 Units
- Vegan
- 40% ABV
- 200 ml
- Vegetarian
- 31 December 2040
Flavour Profile
The Spirit
Multi Gold-winningLilly Pilly Pink Gin is a fruity lighter style gin, crafted with zero-sugar creating a balanced pink gin that isn’t overly sweet. Perfect a summer gin cocktail. Crafted using the vibrant & succulent summer berries of the Australian native Lilly Pilly and rambling edible pink flowers found tucked in the coastal dunes of the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. All natural raspberry infused pink hue handcrafted for pure tastebud delight.
Multi Gold-winningLilly Pilly Pink Gin is a fruity lighter style gin, crafted wi
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